Kitchen with Island, Sink, Cabinets, and Hardwood Floors in New Luxury Home, with View of Living Room, Dining Room, and Outdoor Patio

“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”

We at Williams Family Real Estate strive to make the process of selling your home as seamless as possible. Selling your home is never an easy venture. Like many people, you will have a deep emotional connection to your home. The nostalgia of memories like raising a family or entertaining over the holidays, can make it hard to part with your most prized possession. We stand with our clients every step of the way to offer guidance and support.

We have outlined the many integral steps to Selling your home below. Each sale is unique, we will tailor everything to best suit your needs and ensure the sale is as quick and effortless as possible.

  • Meeting at your home allows us to take a tour with you and learn the features of your home.
  • We are able to propose any minor repairs or updating that may be required early on in the process.
  • We will review an in depth analysis together, that provides you with a clear picture of the current market conditions in your area.

  • We encourage clients to meet with our staging professionals. Their recommendations are invaluable when preparing to sell.
  • Showcasing ensures your home will look its absolute best.
  • We walk through with our professional photographer to capture every detail
  • Marketing your home through our database before it even reaches the market helps garner exposure.

  • We begin marketing your home on the MLS, social media, our website and all our web syndicates.
  • A sign and lock box will be installed.
  • A display will be laid out in your home for prospective Buyers. It clearly outlines important information. Our brochures ensure Buyers leave with all the knowledge necessary to make an informed decision.

We will keep you informed throughout the process. Relaying any feedback we receive from potential Buyers and Agents.

We will do our utmost to negotiate the best possible terms and price for your home.